who we are

We have 25 years
of experience in this field

At our AutoService garage, we fully appreciate how difficult it is for people to find reliable and trustworthy garages where they can service and repair their cars. We are always keen to prove to our customers that we are different!

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We are Qualified
& Professional

At our AutoService garage, we fully appreciate how difficult it is for people to find reliable and trustworthy garages where they can service and repair their cars.

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Great car service

Fren fren, seyir halindeki aracın yavaşlamasını veya durmasını, park halindeki aracın da sabitlenmesini sağlayan sistemdir. Sürücünün fren pedalı ile ...
Mekanik Otomobilin sağlıklı bir şekilde çalışabilmesi ve işlevini gerçekleştirebilmesi için sadece motor kısmında değil, fren balatalarından lastik süspansiyonuna kadar ...
Motor Motor; elektrik, benzin, dizel, LPG gibi bir enerji formunu alıp mekanik enerjiye çeviren aparattır diyebiliriz. Söz konusu mekanik ...
Dorse – Kasa Taşımacılık sektöründe üretilen karoserler genellikle kamyon ya da kamyonet karoserleridir. Yük taşımacılığı için üretilen karoserlerde kendi ...

Premium car service matched with great workmanship.


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Long term warranties and competitive prices

We provide top-notch service for import and domestic car repairs. Brakes Prepair, Tune Ups, Engine Repair, Electrical and A.C Systems

We provide top-notch service for import and domestic car repairs. Brakes Prepair, Tune Ups, Engine Repair, Electrical and A.C Systems

We provide top-notch service for import and domestic car repairs. Brakes Prepair, Tune Ups, Engine Repair, Electrical and A.C Systems

We provide top-notch service for import and domestic car repairs. Brakes Prepair, Tune Ups, Engine Repair, Electrical and A.C Systems


100% approved by customers

“ Took the car in to have a noisy engine checked. They did a thorough check, found nothing untoward and, for good measure, updated all the engine management softwares. End result no cost. Brilliant!
Jonathan auerbach
Strategy officer
“ I’ve been using this garage for a number of years to service both our cars. They are really good, they always have a slot available, work fast and have good prices. Would recommend them without reservations.
Alexander banfield
Growth officer
“ I’ve been using this garage for a number of years to service both our cars. They are really good, they always have a slot available, work fast and have good prices. Would recommend them without reservations.
Jonathan auerbach

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